HR Compliance Checklist for a Successful Human Resources Audit

HR Compliance - BlueStone LLC

When it comes to HR compliance, businesses must take an active approach to ensure they meet all necessary regulations and requirements. Neglecting HR compliance can lead to hefty fines, lawsuits, and damage to a company’s reputation. In this article, we will discuss the importance of HR compliance, provide an HR compliance checklist with human resources … Read more

Hiring Temporary Help at the Office

Hiring Temporary Help at the Office

Approximately 3 million temporary and contract workers are hired each year in the U.S., and managers have long relied on temps to keep their businesses humming. How can they make the most of this layer of cover and support? Temps keep the machine oiled and running Managers are likely to turn to temporary resources for … Read more

Exempt vs. Nonexempt: Where the Dividing Line Is

Exempt vs Nonexempt: Where the dividing line is

Employers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act are required to pay nonexempt employees for all hours worked. It sounds simple enough, but many people fail to understand all the forms an hour of work can take. Not understanding the nuances of this principle can lead to payroll mistakes. Below are some pitfalls to avoid. … Read more

How To Retain Employees In A Tough Market

Human Resources - BlueStone LLC

Imagine you’re a nursing home manager trying to replace a nurse’s aide. But the resumes aren’t coming in like they usually do. You can’t figure out why until an applicant points out that you’re offering the same hourly wage as McDonald’s and asks what you have that McDonald’s doesn’t. Lockdown-era furloughs forced huge numbers of … Read more

Can You Clearly Explain Your Health Insurance Plan?

Health Insurance - BlueStone LLC

According to a report by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, just 19 percent of employers say their employees had a “high level of understanding of their benefits.” The report cites three main reasons for this: Employees don’t open or read the materials. Employees don’t understand the materials. Employees don’t see the value in … Read more

7 Ways To Manage the Worker Shortage

Employee Worker Shortage - BlueStone LLC

Many businesses are struggling with a worker shortage. It is happening across the board: staff shortages at our doctors’ offices, at child care centers and at the restaurants we frequent. Businesses, their employees and their customers and clients all are unhappy and trying hard to find solutions. Here are seven things businesses can focus on … Read more

Digital Dexterity: The Goal of a Successful Workplace

Working Remote - BlueStone LLC

The workplace of the future is no longer abstract. It is a reality, but a reality that is different for each business. Every workplace has changed since March 2020, although no two have changed in exactly the same way. However, there is one common theme: Most companies now rely more on technology to increase workplace … Read more

EEOC Provides Updated Guidance on COVID-19 Vaccine Policies

COVID - 19 Vaccine Policies - BlueStone LLC

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has updated its guidance on workplace COVID-19 vaccine policies. The agency’s original guidance, issued in December 2020, addressed COVID-19 vaccine mandates, discussing COVID-19 diagnosis or vaccination status with employees, and handling reasonable accommodation requests from employees. The EEOC’s updated guidance clarifies whether employers can mandate COVID-19 vaccinations and offer incentives … Read more

Vaccine Mandates: The Elephant in the Room

Vaccine Mandates: The Elephant in the Room

COVID-19 and its variants continue to disrupt the way we live, work and play. The population disagrees on whether to wear masks or be vaccinated, and businesses struggle to attract workers. At the same time, we all are trying to move toward a new definition of normal. Some clear guidance One of the most pressing … Read more