What Will Employee Retention Look Like in the Post-Pandemic Workplace?

Employee Retention Strategies For Post-Pandemic Workplace

Who could have predicted the disruption and change 2020 brought to the way we work? Now that we are starting to look ahead, past the loss and the lockdowns, it is time to plan for what is next. One of the many considerations that needs to be addressed is employee retention and how to retain … Read more

Four Considerations For Small Business HR Growth

Small Business HR: Growth & Development Tips

The consensus among HR leaders is that once you’ve reached the 20-employee mark, it is definitely time to hire a dedicated HR professional. If your business continues to grow, you’ll likely need to expand your HR department. As businesses grow, the complexity of managing human resources increases, necessitating a strategic approach to recruitment, compliance, and … Read more

Essential HR Compliance Checklists For Employee Management, Benefits, And Payroll Processing

Essential HR Checklists for Employee Management, Benefits, and Payroll Processing Compliance

Human resources, employee benefits and payroll processing functions are separate yet intertwined, and HR compliance checklists are essential to staying on top of your responsibilities for each one. Below are examples of what might be included in these checklists. HR compliance audit checklist HR compliance audit checklists can provide a structured framework for HR departments … Read more

HR Compliance Checklist for a Successful Human Resources Audit

HR Compliance - BlueStone LLC

When it comes to HR compliance, businesses must take an active approach to ensure they meet all necessary regulations and requirements. Neglecting HR compliance can lead to hefty fines, lawsuits, and damage to a company’s reputation. In this article, we will discuss the importance of HR compliance, provide an HR compliance checklist with human resources … Read more

Understanding the Maryland Saves Program: A Small Business Owner’s Guide

MarylandSaves Image

Table of Contents:  Introduction The Maryland Saves Program: An Overview Why Choose the Maryland Saves Retirement Program? Who Is Eligible for the Maryland Saves Program? The Benefits to Employees: A Closer Look How BlueStone’s Human Resources Consulting Services Can Help? MarylandSaves FAQs: Maryland’s State-Mandated Retirement Plan Key Takeaways In the growing world of Maryland’s small … Read more

Are Your Employees Quiet Quitting? What Employers Need To Know

Quiet Quitting: What Employers Need To Know

CBS News says, “There’s a new term for clocking in and doing the bare minimum at work: ‘quiet quitting.’” This employee practice is a type of disengagement in which employees no longer go above and beyond at work. They do as little as possible, but just enough to keep their jobs. The term “quiet quitting” first … Read more

Flexible Work Is Key to Retention

Flexible Work is Key to Retention

In a flexible work arrangement, employees typically get to choose their work location and their work arrival and departure times. They may also have the ability to schedule their workday however they see fit. But as noted by the Department of Labor, “Under some [flexible work] policies, employees must work a prescribed number of hours … Read more

Maryland Enacts Paid Leave Law – What It Means For You

Maryland Enacts Paid Leave Law - what it means for you

Last month the Maryland Legislation voted to pass a paid family and medical leave insurance program. Called the Time to Care Act, the new legislation establishes a state-administered fund (the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund) to which employees, employers, and self-employed individuals will make contributions. It guarantees nearly all Maryland employees the right to … Read more

Is This Your Situation: You Want a Paperless Payroll

paperless payroll

Paperless payroll is a paper-free payroll process that has become hugely popular in recent years. But despite the groundswell of support for paperless payroll solutions, employers should examine the details before making the switch.  Six pros of paperless payroll What to watch out for Although paperless payroll is here to stay, it’s not without problems. … Read more

Exempt vs. Nonexempt: Where the Dividing Line Is

Exempt vs Nonexempt: Where the dividing line is

Employers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act are required to pay nonexempt employees for all hours worked. It sounds simple enough, but many people fail to understand all the forms an hour of work can take. Not understanding the nuances of this principle can lead to payroll mistakes. Below are some pitfalls to avoid. … Read more