What Will Employee Retention Look Like in the Post-Pandemic Workplace?

Employee Retention Strategies For Post-Pandemic Workplace

Who could have predicted the disruption and change 2020 brought to the way we work? Now that we are starting to look ahead, past the loss and the lockdowns, it is time to plan for what is next. One of the many considerations that needs to be addressed is employee retention and how to retain … Read more

Tips for Managers: How to Discuss Pay With Your Employees

3 Tips for Discussing Pay With Your Employees

During the normal course of business, managers are typically required to have conversations with their employees regarding compensation. These discussions often revolve around setting pay expectations, communicating pay changes and responding to employees’ questions about pay. Tip 1: Set pay expectations As stated in an article published by the Harvard Business Review, it’s important to … Read more

Are Your Employees Quiet Quitting? What Employers Need To Know

Quiet Quitting: What Employers Need To Know

CBS News says, “There’s a new term for clocking in and doing the bare minimum at work: ‘quiet quitting.’” This employee practice is a type of disengagement in which employees no longer go above and beyond at work. They do as little as possible, but just enough to keep their jobs. The term “quiet quitting” first … Read more

Identifying Breadcrumbing Signs and Keeping Candidates Engaged: A Guide to Ethical Recruitment

Breadcrumbing Job Candidates

Competing for talent is not easy, especially in a tight labor market. To snag the most qualified candidates, employers must make a good impression. But some employers sabotage their recruiting efforts by breadcrumbing candidates. Breadcrumbing is when a hiring manager or recruiter strings along a job candidate. They give just enough to keep the candidate … Read more

Flexible Work Is Key to Retention

Flexible Work is Key to Retention

In a flexible work arrangement, employees typically get to choose their work location and their work arrival and departure times. They may also have the ability to schedule their workday however they see fit. But as noted by the Department of Labor, “Under some [flexible work] policies, employees must work a prescribed number of hours … Read more

COVID-19 Pandemic and Caregiver Discrimination 

COVID-19 Pandemic and Caregiver Discrimination

Discrimination against a person with caregiving responsibilities may be unlawful under federal employment discrimination laws enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). New guidance was released earlier this week to help employers further understand the policies as it relates to COVID-19 circumstances. As the pandemic evolves, the challenge of juggling work and caregiving obligations remains. … Read more

How To Retain Employees In A Tough Market

Human Resources - BlueStone LLC

Imagine you’re a nursing home manager trying to replace a nurse’s aide. But the resumes aren’t coming in like they usually do. You can’t figure out why until an applicant points out that you’re offering the same hourly wage as McDonald’s and asks what you have that McDonald’s doesn’t. Lockdown-era furloughs forced huge numbers of … Read more

7 Ways To Manage the Worker Shortage

Employee Worker Shortage - BlueStone LLC

Many businesses are struggling with a worker shortage. It is happening across the board: staff shortages at our doctors’ offices, at child care centers and at the restaurants we frequent. Businesses, their employees and their customers and clients all are unhappy and trying hard to find solutions. Here are seven things businesses can focus on … Read more

What Is the Cost of Employee Vacancies?

Employment Vaccines - BlueStone LLC

How much money is lost when you leave a position vacant? There’s a financial impact to keeping a role open. Efficient, productive firms have talent acquisition and retention plans to quickly fill the pipeline with great candidates. Without those processes in place, however, recruiting, screening and acquiring new staff can be costly and time-consuming. The … Read more